\ You’ve Got to Give a Little… | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Saturday, February 1st, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

A cynical relative recently expressed concern about how much time I spend volunteering for a non-profit organization. She said “aren’t you forgetting your business?” I heard the well-meaning intention, but also the fear that if I don’t keep my nose to the proverbial grindstone all the time, I’ll wind up living under a bridge.

I get it. Totally. I used to be like her. But not anymore. There was no defining moment where the proverbial light bulb went on, but rather a gradual softening…sort of a gentling of my spirit. I suspect it was due to a combination of maturation and the hard knocks that come with being alive. Who knows.

What I know for sure (to borrow a phrase from Oprah) is that we’re put on this planet to love and serve. To use our passions and talents to leave this place a little better than we found it. In all areas of my life, I now look for opportunities to love and serve. It may mean holding open a door, speaking pro bono to job-seekers, or the volunteering that troubled my relative.

I’ve learned that by giving, I receive far more than I ever gave. It’s not usually a direct, linear, tit-for-tat sort of thing, but there’s no mistaking the fact that my life is far richer since making a more concerted effort to help others. If you’re unemployed or in the wrong career, volunteer for an organization that will help you gain skills while making a contribution. If you can’t sort out a problem of your own, helps someone else solve theirs. Share job leads. Write a Linked In recommendation for someone whose work you admire. When you network, aim to meet people whom you can help, rather than who can help you. Teach someone to read.

Generosity of spirit and resources creates a connection to the abundance of life. “Woo-woo,” I know, but oh so true. Just give, and watch what happens.


  1. Hi Chris !!
    Have a joyous and enchanting time in Spain !!!

    This blog is SO awesome and appropriate to my life right now.
    It reminds me to stay steadfast in my beliefs and passions !
    Thanks and love,

  2. chris says:

    Glad you enjoyed it, Marian!

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