\ The Urge to Purge: Things To Toss | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

My clients and I are indulging in the “urge to purge,” probably because we know that clearer homes, bodies and minds allow better circulation of air, ideas and energy.  Here’s a short list of items that are definitely better off somewhere else:

  1. College textbooks
  2. Shoes that pinch
  3. Mateless socks
  4. People who pinch
  5. Those little pencils from miniature golf
  6. Beliefs that “pinch” your ability to be joyful
  7. Anything you haven’t worn in five years
  8. The idea that you’re not worth it
  9. Those samples that came in the makeup bag you got when you bought your eye cream two years ago
  10. The list of “have to’s” you’ve been carrying around in your head
  11. Telephone books
  12. The idea that it’s not okay to make a mistake
  13. Chopsticks from the takeout place
  14. Judgment of others
  15. Cassettes and LP’s you can’t play because you don’t have the equipment
  16. The idea that you’re old, fat, thin, ugly or anything less than perfect
  17. Ratty clothes you think you’ll wear next time you paint your home
  18. Mascara that’s more than a year old
  19. Any book that doesn’t feel like a dear friend
  20. Lid-less plastic ware
  21. Dried flower wreaths
  22. Old plastic flower pots
  23. Any idea, person or thing that doesn’t delight you or bring you peace.

And, if you need more inspiration, read Stephanie Rosenbloom’s article in the New York Times:  But Will It Make You Happy?

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