\ The Head/Foot Switch | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

The Head/Foot Switch

I was desperate for a good night’s sleep.  Three nights of tossing and turning made me really, really grouchy.  After sharing with my grad school professor how frustrated I was, he said “mix it up. ”  He suggested that I either:


  • sleep on the sofa, or
  • lie on the floor, or
  • put my head where my feet usually go.

I tried the head/foot switch, and after a few minutes of “this is weird,” it worked beautifully.   I suspect it worked well because I wanted to believe it would, and in a way because I was telling my body I meant business.

Speaking of business, I found myself in a creative slump these last two weeks.  Unable to dream up an original idea, reluctant to sit down and write for fear of staring at a blank page, and generally ho-hum about anything to do with creativity.

I decided it was time to employ “the head/foot thing,” as I’ve come to call it, and I took myself to the library.  Comfortably ensconced in the quiet reading room, with tea and a cookie, I got more reading and writing done in the two and a half hours spent there than I had in the past two weeks.  I’m writing this post from there, too.

Is it time for you to employ the head/foot thing?  Where in your life are you feeling a bit stuck?  Sometimes, a small change – scenery, position, going from grumpy to grateful – will do the trick very nicely.


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