\ Stuff Happens | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Stuff Happens

As you can see above, my company’s tagline is “Making ‘What’s Next?’ What Matters.” Imagine my surprise earlier today when I posted a link to my site on Facebook and the site description said “Making ‘What’s Next?’ What Happens.”


Turns out, the programmer who’s done a great job reconfiguring and updating my site had the word “happens” stuck in her head while she was creating the metatags for this site.   She quickly corrected the problem and all should be well by tomorrow morning, after some time passes and the site “propagates” (whatever that means).

Two of my Facebook friends commented on the tagline snafu, and both made me laugh because their comments so wonderfully align with my work:

“I thought you were throwing caution to the wind and changing your tag line ‘Meh! What Does it Matter? It Happens‘,” said Dale.    While I don’t go around saying “meh” (does anyone, any more?), I do ask my clients to look at how seriously they’re taking things.  Sometimes, stuff just happens and we give it far more importance than necessary.  In other words, lightening up is a good thing.

Carrie’s reaction to the word swap was “Hey, stuff HAPPENS. It’s what you do with it that MATTERS.”  She’s right, too.  We screw up and so do others.  What we learn from our experience, how we use it to propel us forward, and the way we think about the stuff that happens will either bring us good stuff or bad stuff.

I’m choosing good stuff.  How ’bout you?


  1. Shanti says:

    Ahhhh yes we are those programmers that oops-ed up a little. Thanks for not jumping all over us and being mellow about our little oversight Christina! It was a pleasure working on the site and we love watching people evolve as they get a site they can work with change and have fun with!

    Stuff does happen….and how you deal with it is what matters in life 🙂

  2. Jill Lieber-Cox says:

    What in the world is “Meh”???

  3. chris says:

    I believe it’s Sanskrit for “oy.” (Not) :o)

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