\ Six Word Resolution | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Six Word Resolution

I was listening to NPR the other day and was reminded about the web site and book by Smith Magazine, Six Word Memoirs, that created the six-word story-telling phenomenon.   The host asked listeners to describe your goals for the new year in six words.   So, I did:

Dreams unleashed, obstacles overcome, hilarity ensued.

Now, it’s your turn.  Comment on this thread, and let’s have some fun.


  1. Laurie Foley says:

    Small focused actions create meaningful results.

  2. Judy Klipin says:

    Hey Chris I love this! My six word memoir for the year: Worked change, expressed love, happily grew.

  3. Infect others with joy, love, and purpose.

  4. Judy Klipin says:

    another one:
    cleared out clutter; literal and figurative

  5. Sal says:

    love lavishly, laugh delightedly, touch tenderly

  6. Listen, live, love, learn, laugh…um…repeat.

  7. Diane Hunter says:

    Love, passion, laughter, connection, learning, healing.

  8. Joy Cherry says:

    Open to living my right life.

  9. erika isler says:

    Open hands, quiet waiting, overflow giggling

  10. Joy Curtis says:

    New Years Day is every day. A rolling new year. My resolution: Live, Laugh, Love, Breathe, Create, Trust!

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