\ One Step at a Time | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

One Step at a Time

Camino Trail MarkerMy friend and fellow coach, Susan Baghdadi, and I are planning a “Re-treat” in Spain, which promises to be a transformative experience.  When we first discussed creating an adventure re-treat (as Susan calls it), I had something less physical in mind than walking 100 km.  I came up with a lot of excuses for why it was a bad idea:

  • My knees are arthritic and I won’t make it.
  • I won’t be able to keep up with the group.
  • This is going to be too complicated (logistically).
  • Who’d sign up for a retreat in Europe when I live in the U.S. and Susan lives in Dubai, anyway?

So, of course, we’re hosting a retreat in Europe. The logistics have been amazingly easy, 11 people have already expressed interest, and I’ve started walking daily to get in shape.  My knees are achy and my back’s a bit sore but so far, so good.  On this morning’s walk, longer and steeper than yesterday’s, I thought about how I’d come to find myself huffing and puffing away on hilly Christoper Lane.

Seemingly Random Event/Step #1 – About three years ago, I told a friend that I’m meant to run adventure retreats around the world.  I didn’t know how I’d do it, but I’ve always pictured a group of people with me as we explore new places and discover ourselves in the process.

Seemingly Random Event/Step #2 – A year ago, I mentioned to Susan and our friends that I’ve always known I’m meant to do some kind of walking pilgrimage.  My bookshelves are filled with books about people’s walks through the world.  Our South African friend, Boyd, said “Chris, what about the Camino?”  I filed that suggestion away.

Seemingly Random Event/Step #3 – Back in March, I was telling Susan  I wanted to find a good experiential workshop.  She’d just taken a class with Dr. David Berceli and was hooked on TRE work.  As she described the Tension Releasing Exercises process, I checked out the website.  Turned out (Coincidence? I think not!) David was running a workshop 8 miles from my home the next weekend.  I attended and got hooked, too.

Seemingly Random Event/Step #4 – Two weeks ago, I helped my cousin pack up her house for her move to North Carolina.  She kept giving me odds and ends she thought I could use, including a $10 gift card to Eastern Mountain Sports.

Seemingly Random Event/Step #5 – Last week, I went to EMS to check out walking poles.  (I figure I can use all the help I can get to support my knees.)  And, of course, they were on sale at 30% off.  With the aforementioned gift card, I spent half of what it would normally have cost.  The poles now stand next to my desk, reminding me to continue moving forward and waiting to be used on the Camino de Santiago in Spain this September.

So what’s the point of this story?- Sometimes, despite the fact that we have no idea how, with whom, or when our dreams will happen, unseen forces conspire to help pull things together.  The next time you’re feeling defeated, thinking you’ll never figure out how to make what’s next what matters in your life, just remember that there are very likely unknown blessings and messages on their way to you, too.

And if you happen to see me walking along Christopher Lane, do me a favor and give me a ride to the top of the hill!

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