\ Don’t Get Stale | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Don’t Get Stale

My friend Amy loves to use the phrase, “Don’t get stale,” every time she tries something new and scary.  She credits Mrs. Antonucci, a lady “of a certain age,” as they say in France, with giving her this advice a long time ago. Short and to the point, this advice is rock-solid.

When her life gets dull, Amy finds a way to stir things up.   A few years back, when grieving the end of her marriage and feeling less than desirable, she decided to buy herself a great red bathing suit and pose for a portrait with the lifeguard squad (whose members also wear red suits) of her favorite beach town.

Could you do that?  Amy didn’t think she could, either.  Knees shaking, she asked the squad, and the guys couldn’t have been more cooperative.  That photo still holds a place of honor in both her memories and in her home.

What’s stale in your life, and how can you shake it up?  You don’t have to go as far as  she did, but the world would be a lot more fun if more of us lived like Amy.

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