\ Peace | Christina Brandt - Part 2

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Latest Blog Posts

Daily OM (www.dailyom.com) has been sending me a Rumi poem each day for almost a year now.  Lately, they’re really resonating with me.  Here’s one that reminds me of the questions I so often ask my clients:  “What’s perfect about this moment?” and “ What is this here to teach you?” Suffering is a treasure, […]

The Ratio

During a recent “girls’ weekend” in Charleston, my friend Ashley said that she was working on her Trust/Fear Ratio.  She explained that there are times when she’s far more afraid about what’s going on in her life than she is trustful that the outcome will be as it should be.   To fix that, she works […]

Honoring Your Spirit

At this time of year, when everyone’s thinking about holidays and business slows down a bit, I get busy catching up on my reading, research, writing, and planning.  I recently listened to an interview with Caroline Myss. During the interview, Caroline said:  “I tell my students (to) take the riskiest path you can find.  What […]


To help me maintain healthy lifestyle, I decided to work with a nutrition coach.  During one of our conversations, Holly shared a great question posed to her by a colleague:  “You don’t say grace before a binge, do you?” The idea, she explained, was to sandwich each meal with a prayer.  Taking a moment before […]

Should you? Really?

I worked with a client this morning on her “Shoulds List.”  As a homework assignment, I asked her to write a list of every “I should…” that came into her mind between our sessions.  She came up with 37. We started plowing through them.  Should she really clean up the basement?  Should she already have […]