\ Christina's Favorites | Christina Brandt - Part 2

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

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Finding Your Purpose

Are you trying to figure out what you’re meant to do with your life?  What steps to take next?  I recently participated in an activity in the South African bush that was a wonderful metaphor about this very dilemma. During Martha Beck’s STAR retreat at Londolozi , five of us were taken into the bush […]

This morning, I was sitting in the waiting room of the mammography center, watching (on television) the loved ones of the people who died on September 11, 2001 recite each person’s name. I waited to hear the names of two firefighters who were family friends. As I listened to each name, my eyes fell upon […]

During yet another fabulous trip last summer (to AZ and MT), I found myself alongside the gifted coach and horse whisperer, Koelle Simpson.  As she guided me through a variety of exercises with horses, I learned a lot about my beliefs around failure.  During one exercise, the desired outcome was for the horse to see […]