\ 9/11 Remembered: Love IS the Answer | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

This morning, I was sitting in the waiting room of the mammography center, watching (on television) the loved ones of the people who died on September 11, 2001 recite each person’s name. I waited to hear the names of two firefighters who were family friends. As I listened to each name, my eyes fell upon a brochure that said “Awareness is what will bring us together to win the battle against breast cancer.”

In that moment, my brain turned the phrase around: Awareness of hatred will bring us together to win the battle against hatred. And, since battle is a form of anger, I think there’s an even better strategy to employ once we’ve identified hatred: love. I wish I could remember to whom these words should be attributed, but I can’t:

“Hatred is not ended by hatred, which by love alone, heals.”

The hatred instilled in those 18 men who boarded planes with the intention of killing themselves and many others was created by anger and fear, and was very likely years in the making. I often wonder how different the world would be if, instead, those men had known great love. I believe that no one who is in love with their lives and who knows profound joy could ever decide to do what they did that day.

I also believe that each of has the ability and the responsibility to notice hatred in all forms, whether it’s a KKK rally, or a much more subtle slur against one or many people. How often have we sat by silently while someone made an offensive remark, ignoring it rather than “making waves” by calling the offender out?

And isn’t hatred often just fear of the unknown? I’m reminded of another relevant passage: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” – New Testament, I John

How can we inject more perfect love into our lives?

• Practice random acts of kindness
• Forgive the people who have done us harm
• Seek to understand our “enemies”
• Notice where we’re fearful and replace the fear with love

These simple steps may not always be easy, but they’re a surefire way to ensure that perfect love will exist in our world. And, if each of us does our part, we’ll change the world.

One Comment

  1. Beautiful, Chris…your words remind me of one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

    Thanks for sharing.


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